Pilot Zone : TMBC-001/20

A Broken System ...
Over a period of many years of deterioration and neglect, Britain now reflects the conditions of a Third World country and is ranked the 3rd most littered nation in the Western World.
This continues to spiral out of control like cancer now covering the whole country and is fuelled by poor and unaccountable management within the very authorities charged with maintaining Grade A (Litter-Free) standards: -
In summary: -
Authorities fail to maintain litter free standards in line with their statutory duty
There is no national anti-litter campaign & education programme in place.
Litter laws are not enforced.
The Facts
Here’s some headline statistics taken from recent Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests:-
National Highways removed litter-free standards as a KPI for their road network.
They opted out of accepting authority to enforce litter fines on motorways and A roads.
The Environment Agency responsible for enforcement against industrial fly tipping issued only 1 fine in a whole year.
70% of UK councils issue only 1 litter fine a week.

The Result
48% of the UK population drop litter.
Fly-tipping occurs every 12 seconds and includes highway contractors.
Littering is now a free for all with no recourse or penalties in place.
Our roads and motorways are knee deep in years of debris, filth & grime.
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